These days, plastic has become such a prevalent part of our world – it’s everywhere, and it’s extremely difficult to avoid plastic waste. It’s not your fault, but you can...
How You Can Save the Turtles and Reduce Plastic Pollution in the Ocean
Plastic pollution is an ever-growing problem. So what can we do as consumers to combat the crisis at hand? Read on to see why reusable...
Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Give Up Plastic and Switch to Zero Waste Products
Plastic pollution – it’s everywhere you turn. And we’re not just talking about the pollution on the ground. That’s important too, but we’re talking about worldwide plastic...
Are Zero-Waste Products Worth the Higher Price Tag? And Are They Actually More Expensive?
Zero-waste products seem to be a growing trend in the last decade. You might be intrigued, or maybe you’ve just always assumed it was...
Why Plant-Based Plastics Will Never Be the Solution for Plastic Pollution
We all know plastic pollution is an issue. But something you might not know? Plant-based plastics are just as harmful, if not worse, than traditional...
What is Greenwashing and Why Shopping Zero Waste Can Help
Greenwashing is drowning the consumer market. Brands are knowingly deceiving consumers instead of supporting the opportunity to create a powerful zero-waste movement. Greenwashed marketing is...
Top 5 Reasons You Should Switch to Zero-Waste Toothpaste Tabs
What Are Toothpaste Tabs? Toothpaste tablets have been getting a lot of attention lately. What's the buzz about? What are toothpaste tabs, and how do...
Is Your Kitchen Zero-Waste? Here Are Changes You Can Make NOW
Kitchen waste is a serious problem we need to address. Most kitchens are a major source of food waste, single-use plastics, and other wasteful patterns....
How To Reduce Waste at Home and Live a Zero-Waste Lifestyle
Our single-use plastic and impulsive buying patterns have gotten us in deep with waste. The environment is suffering, but you don’t need us to tell...
10 Ways to Reduce Your Plastic Waste and Care for the Environment
Plastic waste isn’t a new problem, but it’s one that desperately needs our attention. The wasteful patterns and single-use plastics that flood every industry and...